Please register by filling out admissions form below and submit Or Call us. We will contact you on the numbers provided by you on the form, to schedule assessment & classes.
Please read Terms & Conditions for enrolled students
Terms & Condition
Tuition Fee is paid in advance.
No Refund will be available for the paid tuition fee.
All Students will be enrolled according to PST. Any change to other Time Zones will not affect student’s scheduled timings.
We have policy of offering Make-up classes for the missed days/lessons, only for classes/lessons that are missed by tutors. Any classes missed by students will not be eligible for replacement.
Classes will not be held on designated holidays such as Eid-ul-Fiter, Eid-ul-Adha, 9-10 Muharram Haram, 27th Ramadan etc. Any classes scheduled on these days will be eligible for replacement class.
Make-up lessons can be given (A) by a substitute tutor OR (B) by adding free classes in the same billing cycle OR (C) by extending due date to include free make-up classes.
After due date if tuition fee is not paid School has a right to terminate the Enrollment and stop the classes without any further intimation.
It is student’s responsibility to be present at scheduled class time, as a good gesture we might give you a reminder call or sms. reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
By clicking “Submit,” you consent to receive Whatsapp Messages notifications regarding your enrolment status. These messages will be sent to the phone number you provided during the registration process. The messages may include, but are not limited to, notifications about application progress, acceptance, rejection, and any other relevant information pertaining to your enrolment. You can opt out anytime.